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Embarrassed Vindication Redfaced

Embarrassed Vindication Redfaced

Regular price $300.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $300.00 USD
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#Nuggets #Lakers #SportsRenaissance Introducing Red-faced man and one not bemused, His chant for 'Who's Your Daddy' bought him much abuse. His faced so Crimson, embarrassment to tout, Yet Vindication knits him with a solemn clout. A slogan to start, a rivalry to thrive, The Lakers--the bane, by Nuggets to thrive. Anonymity still cloaked, although rightly known, His chant's impact shown, yet his name not blown. A testament of fans and loyalty reigns, From Colorado to L.A. to the plains. Any man who sires such testament we raise, While cheering for his chant with an air of praise. #sportsrenaissance #nuggset #lakers
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